Special-Lite Exterior Storefront Systems

When faced with replacing the exterior storefront system at our own office and showroom in downtown Boston as part of our name change initiative, the great minds at Arch Street didn’t have to think too hard.

While traditionally Arch Street Glass has focused mainly on interior framing solutions, we are lucky to have incredible partners who have great experience and success doing both interior and exterior systems, which has allowed us to branch out into providing these options as well.

One such partner, one of our most trusted and vital resources, is Special-Lite.  While we use Special-Lite primarily as a manufacturer for some of our interior aluminum systems, their background as a company has also focused on exceptional exterior partitions and doors.

Special-Lite is headquartered in Michigan, and highlights not only superior products and processes but a commitment to sustainability.

We are able to combine the fantastic product offerings that Special-Lite manufactures with our installation expertise to provide the perfect fit for your next project – inside or outside!

But don’t just take our word for it here; stop by our showroom and check out our brand new entrance to see for yourself.  Come visit us!




Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire [Rated]